Saturday 26 December 2015

Shoot For The Stars Lush Review


I've got another Lush review for you! Today it's on the 'Shoot For The Stars' Lush bath bomb. It is available only around winter and I actually got given it for Christmas this year! The pictures that I have used in this review were taken from the Lush website as I forgot to take pictures before using the product. Whoops!
The thing that first struck me about this product was the appearance. The main colour is blue but it also had a couple of white and yellow shooting stars across it. I knew that it would make the bath explode in colour and, hopefully, smell great too. Once in the bath, I did, indeed, find the scents extremely relaxing and Christmassy. I got hints of orange and other festive scents these, however, were rather subtle and not too overpowering.
After it had fizzed some blue, white, yellow, red and pink, it was clear that the water was turning a beautiful dark indigo colour. The water was extremely glittery and there were even some small pieces of star confetti lurking inside the bath bomb too! It also created some bubbles, though not a huge amount, the bath bomb did last a long time though.
After my soak in the bath, the confetti had melted and the glitter had sunk to the bottom of the bath. Some remained on me but the majority of this glitter was left at the bottom of the bath-this did create some unwanted hassle after my relaxing soak but it only took a few minutes to clean so it wasn't too bad in the end.
Overall, I would rate this a 7.5/10 as although the colours, scents and the length of time the bath bomb lasted were amazing, I did have to clear up the glitter off the bath and me afterwards which was quite annoying. Comment below if you liked this review, you've tried this product, or if you would like me to review a certain product in the future.
Thank you,
Bye for now!


  1. Please can you review Lush pud , experimenter or intergalactic please

    1. I'll try my best, as I don't own any of those bath bombs at the moment, it may be a while before a review of them pops up! I probably won't be able to do a review of the Lush Luxury Pud any time soon as it is only available for Christmas so they won't be getting any more in stock for this year. I'll try and get one of the others though, I've wanted to try Intergalactic for a while!
