Sunday 6 December 2015

Candy Mountain Lush Review


I recently bought the Candy Mountain Bubble Bar from Lush and after using half of it, I decided to write a review on it.
I actually got given this bubble bar last year as a Christmas present and I loved it so much that I decided to buy for myself this year. The Candy Mountain only comes out at Lush around Christmas and has the same scent as the snow fairy products if you've tried any of those before. It has a very sweet scent that definitely reminds me off sugary candy floss and Christmas candy canes. Personally, I really like the scent but it may be too sweet and too strong for some people.
 Like I mentioned earlier, I only used half of the bubble bar in the bath. I got quite a lot of bubbles and the water turned a light shade of pinky-purple. If you were to use the whole product, you would definitely got more bubbles but I prefer to try and get my bubble bars to last for 2-3 baths. The water also went slightly shimmery and added to the 'candy' feel of the product, but don't worry I didn't have any glitter left at the bottom of the bath for me to have to wash out.
The retail price for the Candy Mountain Bubble Bar from Lush in the UK is £2.95. I think this is very reasonable for the product.
Overall, I would give the bubble bar a 7.5/10 and I definitely recommend it, particularly if you like sugary-sweet, vanilla scents. I think this is perfect if you want to have a long soak in the bath, perhaps with a few candles lit (the one above is 'Gather, Marshmallow Fireside' by Bath & Bodyworks). Be sure to check the bubble bar out on the Lush website or in stores!
This is the first of many reviews so I hope you liked it!
Comment below if you did and which products you would like me to review in the future-whether they're from Lush or not.
Thank you,
Bye for now!


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