Thursday 31 December 2015

December Favourites


It's time for my first ever favourites blog - I can't believe it's almost the end of the year! I can't wait for 2016 and what it may hold, but before we think about that, let's look at the past month and what my favourites have been...

To start, something a bit different that I have been loving just as much as other products this month: colouring. It might sound childish, but once you've found the right book - trust me there are tons! - and the right pens/pencils it is an amazing way to relax in the evening. I like to spend a few hours colouring and listening to music, away from the addiction that is the internet. I have been loving Millie Marotta's 'Tropical Wonderland' as well as the whole Johanna Basford range. I like to colour with a mixture of pencils and pens. My favourites are the 'Zig Art Graphic Twin' sets - they have a huge range of colours and the two sized nibs really help!
First beauty item up is the Zoella beauty line. This month, I have really expanded my collection and have loved virtually all of the products that I own. I've done a couple of blog posts about/including Zoella's products - you can find them here and here. As I can't include all of her products in this blog post, here are my top three favourites: the 'Wonder Hand' hand cream, the 'Hey Roomie' diffuser and the 'Blissful Mistful' perfume. Around this time of year, as it's winter and quite cold over here in England, my hands get quite dry. Luckily, this year, I have had the 'Wonder Hand' hand cream to help with this. The scent is quite subtle but still noticeable and, after every use, I definitely feel as though my hands are moisturised and silky smooth! As you only need a tiny amount to get these affectsit also lasts a really long time - yet another advantage. I have also been enjoying one of her perfumes and the room diffuser. Again, the scents are quite subtle, but still noticeable. The diffuser smells very fruity and, even though it took a few days to spread throughout my bedroom, I get hints of floral fruits whenever I walk into my room!
Another beauty product that I have been loving is Vaseline in the Sugar Coated edition. I picked this up in Boots after loving the package design and being curious of what the actual product looked like. I'm gonna be honest here, the actual look of it didn't quite add up to my expectations - just a peachy pink substance with tiny hints of grains of sugar - but once I tried the product I fell in love with it! Like my hands, my lips also get quite dry and chapped in the winter but using this really helped them to be smoother and less sore. I definitely recommend all of the Vaseline product line as they have petroleum jelly in which moisturises really well and doesn't dry your lips out as some lip balms do.
Next up, Lush. That one word sums it up really. Lush. I love it! I had my birthday party there this year which really opened up a whole new world of Lush products for me-before I had been quite cautious and only gone for bath bombs, bubble bars and shower gels. Don't get me wrong, these are all amazing, but since trying the 'Oatifix' face mask and the 'Let the Good Times Roll' cleanser, my skin feels a whole lot happier and, now, I am always up for trying new Lush products and scents-the next on my list is one of the shower jellies! Do you recommend any specific one? What are your all time favourite Lush products?
Finally, is my new favourite scent of ALL time! I got given this set from the Bath & Body Works as a Christmas present and I absolutely adore it! It included a shower gel, body lotion and a 'fine fragrance mist' which I use as a room spray. As I was given as a gift for Christmas, the name 'Fresh, Sparkling Snow' seemed very appropriate for the season. However, I was worried that, as there wasn't much left of winter, I would have to wait until next year to get a lot of use out of it - how wrong I was! Personally, I think the scent is more of a spring/summer one as it is quite fruity, I think so anyway. The fragrance mist lasts very long and a little goes a long way-a few sprays and you can smell the glorious scent from the hallway!
So, those were my favourites from December, don't hesitate comment below what yours have been! It's gone so fast and I can't believe that 2016 is only just around the corner! I can't wait to unlock the surprises that it might hold! What about you, what are you looking forward to in 2016, do you have any new year resolutions? I can't wait to hear them!
Thank you,
Bye for now!


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