Saturday 12 December 2015

Zoella Haul


I've wanted to try some of Zoella's beauty line for a while. I bought a few items from Superdrug at what I think was a reasonable price. I also got given a few of her products a while ago as presents.
The first product was this fizz bar. It smells really good-very fruity- and comes in two pieces so it lasts for at least two baths. I love the colours and design of the packaging but I haven't actually used the fizz bar yet. The price of this in Superdrug was £5.00. Comment if, when I do use it, you would like me to write a review!
I also got this Zoella perfume, which is in the scent from the original range of products.  Again, I like the design, even though it's not as eye-catching as some of her others, I think the simplicity of it works well. The price of this at Superdrug was £8.00
Another or her products that I have is her 'Wonder Hand' hand cream. With this hand cream, you only need a tiny amount for it to work wonders-hence the name- so it also lasts a really long time! The scent is similar to her perfume from the original line. It is not overpowering and quite subtle, it's still noticeable though, which is one of the many things I love about Zoella beauty. The price of this at Superdrug was £5.50
This is one of her original make-up bag designs. I love the colours and design - the blue and pink goes really well together. I am currently using it as a wash bag if I go away somewhere as it is the perfect size. The price of this at Superdrug was £8.00
These two books aren't part of Zoella's beauty line but I thought I should include them anyway. I have read both of them - and I know that Zoe got a lot of negative feedback for not writing the first one herself, but, honestly, I couldn't tell the difference between the writing styles of the two books and I think that they were both written very well. I'll try not to give anything away, but both of the books are jam-packed with twists and turns and nothing turns out how you expect it to so I definitely recommend them.
Overall, I think that Zoe's products are certainly of a very high standard and quality and a few of her other products will definitely be on on my Christmas list! They are definitely perfect for stocking fillers or an small present for someone.
Comment below if you would like to see a more detailed review of any of the products or whether you have any and what they are!
Thank you,
Bye for now!


  1. I would like a review of the fizz bar please keep up the good work

  2. Thanks again! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog, if you know anyone else that you think might like it too, please share a link! I still haven't got round to trying the fizz bar, but, when I do, I'll definitely write a review up on it!
