Saturday 26 December 2015

What I Got For Christmas 2015


As this year it was my first Christmas as a blogger, I decided to write a blog about what I got for Christmas 2015. Before I start, I wanted to make it clear that in no way am I trying to boast about what I got this year. I know how lucky I am to be able to celebrate Christmas with my family, let alone get presents!
I've split up my presents into 2 main groups-stationary and body products. There are also a few extras that didn't quite fit into these groups so there'll be a section on those as well.
Let's start with stationary!

I got a few small stationary things in my stocking that will help fill up my Jim Chapman pencil case that I got for my birthday a while back. There were a few items like Sellotape, Blue Tack, Biros etc.  that I don't need to go into detail about as, well, I'm sure you can figure out what they are! I also got a couple more expensive items as gifts this Christmas. One of these was my Zig Art Graphic Twin pens (these are the tallest pens at the back of the blue desk tidy) they were probably my favourite stationary item that I got this Christmas. I've had my eye on them for a while as I've heard how good quality they are, so to finally get them was great! The colours are amazing and the two size nibs - one at either end of each pen - really make a difference when using them! I also loved my new diary for 2016, my notebooks, my giant rubber which says 'learn from your mistakes' and my 2 new rolls of washi tape in different patterns.
I also got, as mentioned before, a few items that don't fit into either of the groups. I love all of these, especially the 'Joe & Caspar Hit The Road' DVD as I had been wanting that for a while. I also got a couple of books which I am looking forward to read, not to mention the two colouring books that I can't wait to fill in (yes that is a Candy Crush colouring book-anyone else hooked on this game?)
On top of ALL of the above, I also got plenty of body and beauty products which should keep me going until next Christmas! I got more of Zoella's beauty line including a diffuser, solid fragrance and body lotion. I also got given a Bath and Body Works set called 'Fresh Sparkling Snow'. I adore the scent of this set so I think the bottles will soon be empty! Finally, I got a huge amount of Lush products, including the 'Star Dust' and 'Golden Wonder' gift boxes, both of which are filled with many goodies that I can't wait to try. I also got a 'Rainbow' block of 'Fun' which I am looking forward to trying as I have not experimented with any of Lush's 'Fun' products before. As well as this, I also got a Lush voucher which I can't wait to spend!
I absolutely loved all of my presents this year and am so grateful to all my friends and family who got them for me. Did you enjoy Christmas this year? Comment below if you did and what presents you got, I'd love to hear them! Also comment if you would like me to do a review on any of my gifts in up and coming blog entries too!
Thank you,
Bye for now!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I really appreciate people commenting as it's nice to have the reassurance that someone is reading this blog! Don't hesitate to comment on any of my other posts as well!
      Thanks again! Keep reading!
