Thursday 31 December 2015

December Favourites


It's time for my first ever favourites blog - I can't believe it's almost the end of the year! I can't wait for 2016 and what it may hold, but before we think about that, let's look at the past month and what my favourites have been...

To start, something a bit different that I have been loving just as much as other products this month: colouring. It might sound childish, but once you've found the right book - trust me there are tons! - and the right pens/pencils it is an amazing way to relax in the evening. I like to spend a few hours colouring and listening to music, away from the addiction that is the internet. I have been loving Millie Marotta's 'Tropical Wonderland' as well as the whole Johanna Basford range. I like to colour with a mixture of pencils and pens. My favourites are the 'Zig Art Graphic Twin' sets - they have a huge range of colours and the two sized nibs really help!
First beauty item up is the Zoella beauty line. This month, I have really expanded my collection and have loved virtually all of the products that I own. I've done a couple of blog posts about/including Zoella's products - you can find them here and here. As I can't include all of her products in this blog post, here are my top three favourites: the 'Wonder Hand' hand cream, the 'Hey Roomie' diffuser and the 'Blissful Mistful' perfume. Around this time of year, as it's winter and quite cold over here in England, my hands get quite dry. Luckily, this year, I have had the 'Wonder Hand' hand cream to help with this. The scent is quite subtle but still noticeable and, after every use, I definitely feel as though my hands are moisturised and silky smooth! As you only need a tiny amount to get these affectsit also lasts a really long time - yet another advantage. I have also been enjoying one of her perfumes and the room diffuser. Again, the scents are quite subtle, but still noticeable. The diffuser smells very fruity and, even though it took a few days to spread throughout my bedroom, I get hints of floral fruits whenever I walk into my room!
Another beauty product that I have been loving is Vaseline in the Sugar Coated edition. I picked this up in Boots after loving the package design and being curious of what the actual product looked like. I'm gonna be honest here, the actual look of it didn't quite add up to my expectations - just a peachy pink substance with tiny hints of grains of sugar - but once I tried the product I fell in love with it! Like my hands, my lips also get quite dry and chapped in the winter but using this really helped them to be smoother and less sore. I definitely recommend all of the Vaseline product line as they have petroleum jelly in which moisturises really well and doesn't dry your lips out as some lip balms do.
Next up, Lush. That one word sums it up really. Lush. I love it! I had my birthday party there this year which really opened up a whole new world of Lush products for me-before I had been quite cautious and only gone for bath bombs, bubble bars and shower gels. Don't get me wrong, these are all amazing, but since trying the 'Oatifix' face mask and the 'Let the Good Times Roll' cleanser, my skin feels a whole lot happier and, now, I am always up for trying new Lush products and scents-the next on my list is one of the shower jellies! Do you recommend any specific one? What are your all time favourite Lush products?
Finally, is my new favourite scent of ALL time! I got given this set from the Bath & Body Works as a Christmas present and I absolutely adore it! It included a shower gel, body lotion and a 'fine fragrance mist' which I use as a room spray. As I was given as a gift for Christmas, the name 'Fresh, Sparkling Snow' seemed very appropriate for the season. However, I was worried that, as there wasn't much left of winter, I would have to wait until next year to get a lot of use out of it - how wrong I was! Personally, I think the scent is more of a spring/summer one as it is quite fruity, I think so anyway. The fragrance mist lasts very long and a little goes a long way-a few sprays and you can smell the glorious scent from the hallway!
So, those were my favourites from December, don't hesitate comment below what yours have been! It's gone so fast and I can't believe that 2016 is only just around the corner! I can't wait to unlock the surprises that it might hold! What about you, what are you looking forward to in 2016, do you have any new year resolutions? I can't wait to hear them!
Thank you,
Bye for now!

Saturday 26 December 2015

What I Got For Christmas 2015


As this year it was my first Christmas as a blogger, I decided to write a blog about what I got for Christmas 2015. Before I start, I wanted to make it clear that in no way am I trying to boast about what I got this year. I know how lucky I am to be able to celebrate Christmas with my family, let alone get presents!
I've split up my presents into 2 main groups-stationary and body products. There are also a few extras that didn't quite fit into these groups so there'll be a section on those as well.
Let's start with stationary!

I got a few small stationary things in my stocking that will help fill up my Jim Chapman pencil case that I got for my birthday a while back. There were a few items like Sellotape, Blue Tack, Biros etc.  that I don't need to go into detail about as, well, I'm sure you can figure out what they are! I also got a couple more expensive items as gifts this Christmas. One of these was my Zig Art Graphic Twin pens (these are the tallest pens at the back of the blue desk tidy) they were probably my favourite stationary item that I got this Christmas. I've had my eye on them for a while as I've heard how good quality they are, so to finally get them was great! The colours are amazing and the two size nibs - one at either end of each pen - really make a difference when using them! I also loved my new diary for 2016, my notebooks, my giant rubber which says 'learn from your mistakes' and my 2 new rolls of washi tape in different patterns.
I also got, as mentioned before, a few items that don't fit into either of the groups. I love all of these, especially the 'Joe & Caspar Hit The Road' DVD as I had been wanting that for a while. I also got a couple of books which I am looking forward to read, not to mention the two colouring books that I can't wait to fill in (yes that is a Candy Crush colouring book-anyone else hooked on this game?)
On top of ALL of the above, I also got plenty of body and beauty products which should keep me going until next Christmas! I got more of Zoella's beauty line including a diffuser, solid fragrance and body lotion. I also got given a Bath and Body Works set called 'Fresh Sparkling Snow'. I adore the scent of this set so I think the bottles will soon be empty! Finally, I got a huge amount of Lush products, including the 'Star Dust' and 'Golden Wonder' gift boxes, both of which are filled with many goodies that I can't wait to try. I also got a 'Rainbow' block of 'Fun' which I am looking forward to trying as I have not experimented with any of Lush's 'Fun' products before. As well as this, I also got a Lush voucher which I can't wait to spend!
I absolutely loved all of my presents this year and am so grateful to all my friends and family who got them for me. Did you enjoy Christmas this year? Comment below if you did and what presents you got, I'd love to hear them! Also comment if you would like me to do a review on any of my gifts in up and coming blog entries too!
Thank you,
Bye for now!

Shoot For The Stars Lush Review


I've got another Lush review for you! Today it's on the 'Shoot For The Stars' Lush bath bomb. It is available only around winter and I actually got given it for Christmas this year! The pictures that I have used in this review were taken from the Lush website as I forgot to take pictures before using the product. Whoops!
The thing that first struck me about this product was the appearance. The main colour is blue but it also had a couple of white and yellow shooting stars across it. I knew that it would make the bath explode in colour and, hopefully, smell great too. Once in the bath, I did, indeed, find the scents extremely relaxing and Christmassy. I got hints of orange and other festive scents these, however, were rather subtle and not too overpowering.
After it had fizzed some blue, white, yellow, red and pink, it was clear that the water was turning a beautiful dark indigo colour. The water was extremely glittery and there were even some small pieces of star confetti lurking inside the bath bomb too! It also created some bubbles, though not a huge amount, the bath bomb did last a long time though.
After my soak in the bath, the confetti had melted and the glitter had sunk to the bottom of the bath. Some remained on me but the majority of this glitter was left at the bottom of the bath-this did create some unwanted hassle after my relaxing soak but it only took a few minutes to clean so it wasn't too bad in the end.
Overall, I would rate this a 7.5/10 as although the colours, scents and the length of time the bath bomb lasted were amazing, I did have to clear up the glitter off the bath and me afterwards which was quite annoying. Comment below if you liked this review, you've tried this product, or if you would like me to review a certain product in the future.
Thank you,
Bye for now!

5 Gold Rings Lush Review


Today, I'm doing another Lush review! It's another festive treat from Lush that they only release at Christmas/Winter. It is a new bubble bar that was actually only released this year. It's called '5 Gold Rings' and, hence the name, comes in 5 small parts on a piece of ribbon. The pictures on here are taken from the Lush website as I forgot to take pictures of the product before using it.
I absolutely love the practicality of this bubble bar as, rather than having to split a whole bubble bar up and crumble it and... you can just take one of, break it up in your hands, and jump into the bath!
At first, I was worried that, because one piece was so small compared to other bubble bars, it would not produce many bubbles. However, I was very wrong! One ring produced plenty of bubbles and turned the water a shimmering gold/yellow! It also smells very vanillary but this scent is not very overpowering and quite subtle so it is perfect for a long soak in the bath!
Overall, I'd rate this an 8/10 as it is so much more practical than other bubble bars, but has just as many luxury scents and bubbles!

Saturday 12 December 2015

Zoella Haul


I've wanted to try some of Zoella's beauty line for a while. I bought a few items from Superdrug at what I think was a reasonable price. I also got given a few of her products a while ago as presents.
The first product was this fizz bar. It smells really good-very fruity- and comes in two pieces so it lasts for at least two baths. I love the colours and design of the packaging but I haven't actually used the fizz bar yet. The price of this in Superdrug was £5.00. Comment if, when I do use it, you would like me to write a review!
I also got this Zoella perfume, which is in the scent from the original range of products.  Again, I like the design, even though it's not as eye-catching as some of her others, I think the simplicity of it works well. The price of this at Superdrug was £8.00
Another or her products that I have is her 'Wonder Hand' hand cream. With this hand cream, you only need a tiny amount for it to work wonders-hence the name- so it also lasts a really long time! The scent is similar to her perfume from the original line. It is not overpowering and quite subtle, it's still noticeable though, which is one of the many things I love about Zoella beauty. The price of this at Superdrug was £5.50
This is one of her original make-up bag designs. I love the colours and design - the blue and pink goes really well together. I am currently using it as a wash bag if I go away somewhere as it is the perfect size. The price of this at Superdrug was £8.00
These two books aren't part of Zoella's beauty line but I thought I should include them anyway. I have read both of them - and I know that Zoe got a lot of negative feedback for not writing the first one herself, but, honestly, I couldn't tell the difference between the writing styles of the two books and I think that they were both written very well. I'll try not to give anything away, but both of the books are jam-packed with twists and turns and nothing turns out how you expect it to so I definitely recommend them.
Overall, I think that Zoe's products are certainly of a very high standard and quality and a few of her other products will definitely be on on my Christmas list! They are definitely perfect for stocking fillers or an small present for someone.
Comment below if you would like to see a more detailed review of any of the products or whether you have any and what they are!
Thank you,
Bye for now!

Sunday 6 December 2015

Candy Mountain Lush Review


I recently bought the Candy Mountain Bubble Bar from Lush and after using half of it, I decided to write a review on it.
I actually got given this bubble bar last year as a Christmas present and I loved it so much that I decided to buy for myself this year. The Candy Mountain only comes out at Lush around Christmas and has the same scent as the snow fairy products if you've tried any of those before. It has a very sweet scent that definitely reminds me off sugary candy floss and Christmas candy canes. Personally, I really like the scent but it may be too sweet and too strong for some people.
 Like I mentioned earlier, I only used half of the bubble bar in the bath. I got quite a lot of bubbles and the water turned a light shade of pinky-purple. If you were to use the whole product, you would definitely got more bubbles but I prefer to try and get my bubble bars to last for 2-3 baths. The water also went slightly shimmery and added to the 'candy' feel of the product, but don't worry I didn't have any glitter left at the bottom of the bath for me to have to wash out.
The retail price for the Candy Mountain Bubble Bar from Lush in the UK is £2.95. I think this is very reasonable for the product.
Overall, I would give the bubble bar a 7.5/10 and I definitely recommend it, particularly if you like sugary-sweet, vanilla scents. I think this is perfect if you want to have a long soak in the bath, perhaps with a few candles lit (the one above is 'Gather, Marshmallow Fireside' by Bath & Bodyworks). Be sure to check the bubble bar out on the Lush website or in stores!
This is the first of many reviews so I hope you liked it!
Comment below if you did and which products you would like me to review in the future-whether they're from Lush or not.
Thank you,
Bye for now!

New Look Haul


I recently realised that I had quite a few New Look vouchers to spend that were close to expiring so I decided to treat myself to a few items that were on the website.
 One of the things I purchased was this burgundy lace crop top. It's smarter than some of the other tops that I purchased. Although it is a crop top, I think it could be suitable for wearing to a restaurant or to a party. You could pair this with so many items and it would still look great-that's one of the things that I love about New Look clothes-there are so many ways to mix and match!
Another top I bought was this navy blue fine knit 3/4 length sleeve top. I love the colour of this and as it's such a simple design, I think it would go really well with a gold or silver necklace and bracelets. The colour goes with so many others and it is really cosy-perfect for a lazy day in or a chillaxed weekend.
I also bought this burgundy fine knit 3/4 sleeve top. I like to pair it with some black jeans as the colours go really well. I also love the Aztec design at the bottom as well as the mini pom-poms - they transform the top from a simple one to one with a bit more fun!
The last fine-knit top that I purchased was this Aztec design one. I love the patterns on this - in cooperating the Aztec designs and Christmas colours make this top perfect for a Winters day.
I bought this blue hoodie to warm me up! I love the colour and the fact that it's fluffy on the inside! if you're not sure about the colour and whether the colour would suit you, don't worry! They also make this jumper in grey, burgundy, mint green and black.
As it's winter and I live in England, I decided that I should probably also buy a jumper to keep me nice and toasty. This kimono white stripe jumper does exactly that - it keeps me warm and looks great too.
Overall, I think that New Look is full of some amazing pieces this autumn/winter and there are so many more than the ones that I have bought that I would like! I would definitely recommend having a look on the website - I'm sure that there's something for you!
Comment below if you have your eye on any pieces at the moment and what your go to shop is for autumn/winter clothes.

Saturday 5 December 2015

An Introduction


So, I guess I should start by saying hello *Adele music starts playing* and welcome to my blog! This is gonna be my slice of the internet that is full of reviews, DIYs, recipes, hauls, favourites... the list goes on!
Hopefully there will be something here for everyone, but if you feel like there is something I'm missing, don't hesitate to comment down below! I'd love to know what you guys think - this blog is for you just as much as it is for me!
Also, don't forget to follow me on Instagram @theworldaccordingtome_blog and Pinterest @theworldaccordingtome
So, like I said, what do you want to see from this blog in upcoming posts? Please comment below and pass my blog on to friends and family - I want to share this with as many people as possible!
Thank you,
Bye for now!