Thursday 18 February 2016

Zoella Fizz Bar Review


As requested by (check it out), today I am reviewing the Zoella Fizz Bar. I got given it for my birthday a while ago and have mentioned it in a couple of posts before (click here) but never actually got round to using it...until now!

The packaging follows the rest of Zoe's more summery, fruity line and is a bright teal colour. It also has accent colours pink and yellow which helps the whole packaging to 'pop'. 
The actual fizz bar looked as though it was 4 separate pieces but was actually 2. I used one of these pieces in the bath.
The first thing that I loved about this product was the scent-I love the smell of this range and as soon as I opened the packaging I could smell it immediately. 
However, once I had put the fizzer in the bath, the scent wasn't so noticeable - I only got a few hints of it.

Obviously with its white appearance and it being a brand that doesn't focus on one product, I wasn't expecting to be the best bath bomb that I had ever used, so, I was very impressed with how long it lasted! It lasted for around 7 minutes and didn't fizz too much so I could easily relax and inhale the scents. 
Afterwards, the water went a bit chalky but eventually it just restored it's natural colour so there was no cleaning up afterwards! 

Bin it or Bag it?
Bag it. I think it's great for a present but, to be honest, if it wasn't branded by Zoella I probably wouldn't buy it for someone. 

Have you used this product? What do you think? Comment below!
Thanks for reading,
Bye for now!


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